Stages of nailboard standing

Stages of Sadhu Nail Board Practice - A Guide to Inner Peace

There are three main stages of Sadhu nail board practice and in this article I will tell you more about them

Let’s start with some rules

1. Try to relax on nails, I know that it sounds weird but listen, it’s very important while exhale relax your shoulders, imagine that you are breathing over your shoulders, stop fighting with yourself, tense up, try to give up and relax.

2. Release all your emotions, if you want to cry – cry, scream, laugh, let go of everything you have – then the body will relax faster.

3. Focus on yourself, your inner thoughts, body reactions, emotions, feelings – what bothering you, what doesn`t  allow you to relax –  anger, pain, resentment, disappointment? Immerse yourself and this will help you understand the causes of tension in the body


1. The first stage lasts about 50 seconds – the sensations are the strongest, sharpest, and powerful when you just don’t understand what’s going on. Here the sharpness and distance between the nails play a big role (from 6mm till 15 mm and even more) The greater the distance, the sharper the sensations for the first 50 seconds.

2. The second stage lasts about 5-7 minutes and more. After 50 seconds an internal dialogue begins and your inner voice will begin to persuade you to get off the board, for example, “You put your foot in the wrong way, why do you need this practice, next time it will be easier, you need to go drink, to the bathroom…” and so on.

There are two options here.

The first is to explain to yourself that everything is fine, you can do whatever you want after practice, your life is not in danger, you can handle it, you came for the practice for some reason and so on…

Your mind will find a million excuses to get off the board, but you gotta continue. I`ll be next to you and support you in this journey

The second option is to get off the board. But if you do this, the inner dialogue will not end and your inner voice will tell you – “Why did you get off, you could still stand, it doesn’t hurt so much, let’s do it again…” and so on  and I can also support you in this decision and this games of the mind. But when you come home – your inner dialogue will continue and you will come back to try one more time, I`ll be there

These 5-7 minutes are awareness of what is happening and an internal dialogue as you overcome yourself.

3. If you haven’t come off the nails yet, if you’ve calmed yourself down through thoughts, breathing, let go of everything that worries you, then you move on to the next stage – сomplete relaxation and inner silence – that’s why we stand on Sadhu nail boards

So how long to stand on nails?

We stand until we feel inner silence and until we are completely relaxed. When you understand that you are ready to stand on nails forever, you can finish the practice.

And when you feel this inner silence and full body relaxation, you will want to practice regularly

If you still have questions, ask in the comments! I’ll be happy to answer them😉